Inspired by the natural world, my artwork evokes the shapes of plants, animals and their environs, without directly imitating specific species or existing places.

My ceramic sculptures sometimes look like creatures found in the intertidal zone, while elements of my gouache and mixed-media paintings can look like lattices of skin, lava or clouds.

You might consider: Is it coral or one of our own organs? Is it a seed pod or a cell dividing? How much do we have in common with the flora and fauna of our ailing planet?

I also include participatory elements in my installations, so the viewer can bring their own natural objects - like shells or feathers - to the exhibition, encouraging introspection about their own place in the cosmos.

I feel compelled to explore our relationship with nature, through contemplation, wonder and celebration. 


Above: Detail from Two Trees, 11 x 16 in, gouache on paper, 2019